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Changement climatique : contribution au débat


A ceux qui trouvent excessives les thèses défendues par Claude Allègre dans son ouvrage L’imposture climatique ou la fausse écologie, nous signalons un ouvrage récent, Heaven and Earth: Global Warming - The Missing Science (Taylor Trade, 2009) de Ian Plimer, géologue australien, professeur à l’université de Melbourne après avoir enseigné à l’université de Newcastle. Titulaire de nombreux prix, dont celui de la German Geological Society, et "Australian Humanist of the year" (1995).

Nous donnons quelques extraits de l’introduction de l’ouvrage :

“ The Earth’s climate is driven by the receipt and redistribution of solar energy. Without this, there would be no life on Earth. Despite well-documented linkages between climate and solar activity, the Sun tends to be brushed aside as the driver of climate on Earth in place of a trace gas (carbon dioxide – CO2), most of which derives from natural processes. The CO2 in the atmosphere is only 0.001 % of the total CO2 held in the oceans, surface rocks, air, soils and life.”

“ Calculations on supercomputers, as powerful as they may be, are a far cry from the complexity of the planet Earth, where the atmosphere is influenced by processes that occur deep within the Earth, in the oceans, in the atmosphere, in the Sun and in the cosmos. To reduce modern climate change to one variable (CO2) or, more correctly, a small proportion of one variable (i.e. human-produced CO2) is not science, especially as it requires abandoning all we know about planet Earth, the Sun and the cosmos. Such models fail. ”

“ The history of temperature change over time is related to the shape of continents, the shape of the sea floor, the pulling apart of the crust, the stitching back together of the crust, the opening and closing of sea ways, changes in the Earth’s orbit, changes in solar energy, supernoval eruptions, comet dust, impacts by comets and asteroids, volcanic activity, bacteria, soil formation, sedimentation, ocean currents and the chemistry of air. If we humans, in a fit of ego, think we can change these normal planetary processes, then we need stronger medication. ”

“ If we look at the history of CO2 over time, we see the atmospheric CO2 content has been far higher than at present for most of time. Furthermore, atmospheric CO2 follows temperature rise – it does not create a temperature rise. To argue that human emissions of CO2 are forcing global warming requires all the known, and possibly chaotic, mechanisms of natural global warming to be critically analysed and dismissed. This has not even been attempted. To argue that we humans can differentiate between human-induced climate changes and natural climate changes is naïve. To argue that natural climate changes are slow and small is contrary to evidence. The slogan “Stop climate change” is a very public advertisement of absolute total ignorance as it is not cognisant of history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, ocean sciences, atmospheric sciences and the life sciences.
Humans can change the weather. The “urban heat island” effect shows that the concentration for roads, concrete, buildings and machinery in towns of more than 1000 inhabitants creates a warmer setting than in a rural setting. In Europe, we see a “winter weekend effect” where cooler wetter weather probably results from human activity. These weather changes do not necessarily mean that humans change climate. ”

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