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Janvier 2023

Decoupling with China? Myth, Reality and Costs


On Thursday 15th December, Institut Montaigne was delighted to welcome George Magnus, research associate for the China Centre of Oxford University and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) for a webinar discussion with François Godement, senior advisor for Asia at Institut Montaigne, on the theme: “Decoupling from China? Myth, Reality and Costs”. 

After decades of ever-increasing economic interdependence, the concept of ‘decoupling’ has recently emerged in the context of the Sino-US technology war. But is it really decoupling? During this event, George Magnus spoke on how the United States has set the pace with various measures specifically targeting China, and it is being followed by Europe seeking resilience in its supply chains, whilst also discussing how overdependence on China is increasingly seen in Europe as a source of vulnerability and risk. 

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