HomeAuthorsBruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais Senior Fellow - Geopolitics, International Relations and Demography Senior FellowFollow Bruno Tertrais is Deputy Director of the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (FRS), a leading French think-tank on international security issues. A graduate in law and politics, he obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Pierre Hassner. After working at NATO's Parliamentary Assembly, he worked for the Ministry of Defence and the RAND Corporation, and joined the FRS in 2001. He was a member of the committees in charge of the White Papers on Defence and National Security in 2007-2008 and 2012-2013. He has been a contributor to Institut Montaigne's studies since 2017 and published Le défi démographique (2018). His latest publications include: L'Atlas des frontières (Les Arènes, 2016, Prix de la Société de Géographie); Le Président et la Bombe (Odile Jacob, 2017, Prix du Livre géopolitique); La Revanche de l'histoire (Odile Jacob, 2018); Le choc démographique (Odile Jacob, 2020). Twice every month, he publishes a column in L'Express called "Le Regard du stratège".PublicationsNoteJuly 2018The Demographic Challenge: Myths and Realities02/24/2025Tragedy After Disaster? War in Ukraine and Demography Bruno Tertrais 03/20/2023After the Fall. Must We Prepare for the Breakup of Russia? Bruno Tertrais 02/23/2023 After the Fall. Must We Prepare for the Breakup of Russia? Bruno Tertrais 12/14/2022 The Fall of Russia Bruno Tertrais 09/02/2022 The Never-Ending Iranian Nuclear Saga Is Nowhere Near Its Conclusion Bruno Tertrais 07/07/2022 Back to the Future? NATO after Madrid Bruno Tertrais 05/31/2022 Ukraine: Five Scenarios For the Coming Months Bruno Tertrais 04/21/2022 From Sarajevo to Mariupol: what the Yugoslav Wars can teach us about Ukrain... Bruno Tertrais Loïc Tregoures 04/12/2022Is It 1981 All Over Again? Bruno Tertrais Joseph de Weck 03/02/2022Tell Me How It Ends: Analogies and Scenarios for the Ukraine war Bruno Tertrais 02/14/2022 Why Ukraine Matters to Russia: The Demographic Factor Bruno Tertrais 01/07/2022 Of Ultimatums and Ukraine - And Why NATO Enlargement Is Not the Problem Bruno Tertrais 11/17/2021 Reassurance and Deterrence in the Mediterranean: the Franco-Greek Defense D... Bruno Tertrais 10/15/2021 Climate Refugees: Do Not Hype Up The Problem Bruno Tertrais 10/04/2021 After AUKUS: How Could France Reboot Its Indo-Pacific Strategy? Bruno Tertrais Michel Duclos 09/20/2021 France, America and the Indo-Pacific after AUKUS Bruno Tertrais 08/24/2021 Endgame in Afghanistan: Should We Be Worried? Bruno Tertrais 08/06/2021 Armenia-Azerbaijan: The Fire Beneath the Ashes Bruno Tertrais 07/19/2021 Weapons of Mass Debate - Time to Talk about Nuclear Deterrence in Europe (A... Bruno Tertrais 07/07/2021 Past the Virus - Migrations, Mobility and Pandemics: Return to Normalcy? Bruno Tertrais 05/26/2021 Does China’s Population Bust Herald Our Own? Bruno Tertrais 03/17/2021 The UK’s Integrated Review: What Global Britain Means for France Georgina Wright Bruno Tertrais 01/07/2021 Do We Need a Global Alliance of Democracies? Michel Duclos Bruno Tertrais 10/08/2020 Whose Sea? Untangling the Eastern Mediterranean Great Game Bruno Tertrais 08/17/2020 Through the Looking Glass - Counterpart and The Last Ship: Geopolitics and ... Bruno Tertrais 12/21/2018 Portrait of Kim Jong-un - Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republi... Bruno Tertrais 10/10/2018 Demography and Society: Overcoming Fantasies - The Perspectives of Hakim El... Hakim El Karoui Bruno Tertrais 09/24/2018 North Korea, an Embrace Before the Apocalypse? Bruno Tertrais 03/19/2018 Syria: The “Red Line” Dilemma Bruno Tertrais