How can France become a leader in innovation?
Extraterritoriality, widely used by the United States, combines the fight against global threats with the reinforcement of its economic domination. Faced with US sanctions, Europe sees its sovereignty under threat and must integrate this reality into its economic strategy. How can Europe react?
This report analyzes the future of the EU's Clean Industrial Deal and the place of European industry in a post-carbon world. Based on over 500 interviews, it compares decarbonization strategies and puts forward recommendations for strengthening European competitiveness.
A Driving Force for Global Industrial Decarbonization
Energy will be at the heart of the new European Commission’s mandate. What are the obstacles to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050? This first note focuses on the evolution of the European energy–climate governance.
What would be the place of a France led by the Rassemblement National in a Europe reconfigured by the elections? What future would there be for crucial projects linked to the energy transition and decarbonisation in a sovereignist and Eurosceptic context?
How to create a concrete and ambitious climate club including Europe and Northeast Asia?
11 recommendations to implement measures against energy insecurity for the most vulnerable populations.
Our recommendations for reaching a unified European strategy for energy transition.
China Trends #9 by Institut Montaigne