HomeAuthorsMaxence Cordiez Maxence Cordiez Senior Fellow - Energy Senior Fellow EnergyHe was previously in charge of European public affairs at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), after serving as Deputy Nuclear Adviser at the French Embassy in the UK. A specialist in energy and climate issues, Maxence Cordiez published the book Énergies with Tana Editions in 2022, and regularly writes articles on these topics.He teaches as a part-time lecturer at ENSTA, PSL University, HEC and CNAM. Maxence Cordiez graduated from Chimie ParisTech - PSL and holds a master's degree in nuclear energy from INSTN.PublicationsPolicy PaperFebruary 2025Achieving the EU’s Energy AmbitionsEnergy will be at the heart of the new European Commission’s mandate. What are the obstacles to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050? This first note focuses on the evolution of the European energy–climate governance.