How can France become a leader in innovation?
Extraterritoriality, widely used by the United States, combines the fight against global threats with the reinforcement of its economic domination. Faced with US sanctions, Europe sees its sovereignty under threat and must integrate this reality into its economic strategy. How can Europe react?
This report analyzes the future of the EU's Clean Industrial Deal and the place of European industry in a post-carbon world. Based on over 500 interviews, it compares decarbonization strategies and puts forward recommendations for strengthening European competitiveness.
FinTech is at a turning point in Chinaas the Chinese government is seeking to strike a new balance between FinTech innovation and regulation.
It is often assumed that all countries are targeted by information manipulation operations. How does France fit in wider international manipulation operations?
China Trends #8 by Institut Montaigne
Since the 2000s, the threats facing France and Europe have increased and diversified. We must give ourselves the means to face them.
The EU-China Investment Agreement (CAI) has been oversold and underpowered. What conclusions can be drawn?
Semiconductors are at the center of the technological and geopolitical race between the United States and China. What strategy for Europe?
Faced with China, define common priorities in the service of a confident and forward-looking Europe.
China Trends #7 by Institut Montaigne
Trump or Biden - whatever happens, a new transatlantic dialogue has to be built.
Concrete recommendations to make responsible capitalism possible in Europe.
In times of a pandemic, what harm can social media posts actually cause?
Transatlantic opinion on global challenges before and after Covid-19
Now is the time for Europeans to use all their room for manoeuvre - less restricted than is often said - to take the initiative on a range of issues that shape the way the world evolves.