How can France become a leader in innovation?
The Chips Diplomacy Support Initiative (CHIPDIPLO) is an 18-month project led by the Institut Montaigne and co-funded by the European Commission. It aims to strengthen Europe's semiconductor strategy in the face of geopolitical tensions. Its objectives are to anticipate industrial risks, coordinate member states' policies and develop international partnerships. The consortium brings together experts, industrialists and researchers to analyze the challenges and provide recommendations to the EU. CHIPDIPLO supports the EU Chips Act and promotes Europe's attractiveness for innovation and investment.
This report analyzes the future of the EU's Clean Industrial Deal and the place of European industry in a post-carbon world. Based on over 500 interviews, it compares decarbonization strategies and puts forward recommendations for strengthening European competitiveness.
François Godement, Institut Montaigne’s Senior Advisor for Asia, assesses the characteristics and flaws of China’s stimulus plan, and of the overall Chinese economic model.
11 recommendations to implement measures against energy insecurity for the most vulnerable populations.
China Trends #13 by Institut Montaigne.
How should Europe respond to the implications of its entanglement with China? Can Europe avoid a costly decoupling from China and maintain mutually beneficial ties while remaining true to itself, to its values and interests?
China Trends #12 by Institut Montaigne.
Europe faces a long-term resilience and competitiveness challenge, for which it has two main tools to act: industrial policies and controls over technology transfers.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, China has been one of the most conservative and restrictive regarding its economy. What is its economic outlook in 2022?
Four priority levers to decarbonize air transport by 2050.
China Trends #11 by Institut Montaigne
China Trends #10 by Institut Montaigne
Our recommendations for reaching a unified European strategy for energy transition.