How can France become a leader in innovation?
The Chips Diplomacy Support Initiative (CHIPDIPLO) is an 18-month project led by the Institut Montaigne and co-funded by the European Commission. It aims to strengthen Europe's semiconductor strategy in the face of geopolitical tensions. Its objectives are to anticipate industrial risks, coordinate member states' policies and develop international partnerships. The consortium brings together experts, industrialists and researchers to analyze the challenges and provide recommendations to the EU. CHIPDIPLO supports the EU Chips Act and promotes Europe's attractiveness for innovation and investment.
This report analyzes the future of the EU's Clean Industrial Deal and the place of European industry in a post-carbon world. Based on over 500 interviews, it compares decarbonization strategies and puts forward recommendations for strengthening European competitiveness.
At a time when the major powers are adopting the language of economic security, this note identifies five major strategic issues that deserve to be placed at the heart of the debate.
A challenge for competitiveness and economic dynamism, both nationally and in Europe, discover our 2024 barometer of production taxes.
The security crisis in West Africa, driven by the presence of jihadist groups in the region, is a major concern for the affected states, the safety of local populations, as well as for France and Europe.
China Trends #16 by Institut Montaigne.
Cross-border data flows govern almost everything we do today. States are facing a dilemma between protection of their data and benefits from free-flow. Europe faces a challenge from the US, the dominating actor in the digital world, and a threat from China’s authoritarian model. Europe must make choices to strengthen its position in the digital field.
AI is a unique opportunity for France and Europe to position itself as a leader in safe and trustworthy AI.
Economic security is an important notion that provides strategic coherence and clarity to the set of defensive, pro-innovation and (so far timid) pro-industry steps that the EU has been taking. It could also provide a convincing selling point to gain wider support across the EU for bolder public policies, including in the area of trade, in a way to guarantee European prosperity and resilience.
China Trends #15 by Institut Montaigne.
This second edition of the barometer is a compass to better understand the impact of production taxes on competitiveness in France and in Europe.
How to create a concrete and ambitious climate club including Europe and Northeast Asia?
China Trends #14 by Institut Montaigne.