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June 2024

The Indo-Pacific, an opportunity for our economic security strategies?


Institut Montaigne is partnering with the Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG) to co-host a public conference in Tokyo, titled: "The Indo-Pacific, an opportunity for our economic security strategies?".

The conference will be held on Monday, June 3, 2024 and will be livestreamed.
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This event marks the third international conference organized within the framework of the Observatory of Multilateralism in the Indo-Pacific, an initiative of the French Ministry for Armed Forces (DGRIS). Institut Montaigne, alongside two other prominent French think tanks—the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)—as well as Sciences Po and Inalco, contributes to this significant research program.

Through its work program and this conference, Institut Montaigne aims to bridge the gap between Indo-Pacific strategies and economic security policies.

Currently, economic security remains loosely integrated into the strategies of the main regional players. Yet, most economic security issues have a possible Indo-Pacific angle: trade and investment diversification to ensure supply chain security, gaps in technology transfer control regimes, and responses to risks of economic coercion.

This conference will shed light on the areas of convergence and divergence between France and its Indo-Pacific partners. It will also highlight the extent to which defense cooperation is conducive to greater economic security.

The event will begin with a keynote address by Rear Admiral Jacques Rivière, High Representative for the Indian Pacific area of the French joint commander of the Asia Pacific zone and armed forces in French Polynesia (ALPACI – COMSUP POLYNESIA). Throughout the day, we will convene around fifteen high-level speakers from government, industry, universities and think-tanks of the Indo-Pacific region in three panel discussions (please see the tentative agenda of the conference below).


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Tentative Program

9:00-9:15 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9) Introductory remarks:

  • Mathieu DUCHÂTEL, Director of International Studies, Institut Montaigne
  • Kazuto SUZUKI, Director & Group Head, Economic Security, Institute of Geoeconomics

09:15-10:15 (UTC+9) Keynote speech: Rear Admiral (R) Jacques Rivière, High Representative for the Indian Pacific area of the French joint commander of the Asia Pacific zone and Armed Forces in French Polynesia (ALPACI – COMSUP POLYNESIA)

10:30–12:00 (UTC+9) Panel 1: Is the Indo-Pacific a Relevant Scale to Develop Economic Security Policy Frameworks?
Scope: France, the European Union and Japan have all developed economic security policy frameworks, but they are so far loosely connected to their Indo-Pacific strategies. Is this a missed opportunity? In which policy areas can a robust Indo-Pacific strategy advance our economic security agenda? From another angle, economic security cooperation is progressing in various formats in the Indo-Pacific region, especially through IPEF and the Quad’s supply chain resilience initiative. The panel will seek to take stock of progress through those formats.

  • Kazuto SUZUKI, Director & Group Head, Economic Security, Institute of Geoeconomics, Japan (Chair)
  • Anupam MANUR, Assistant Professor, Takshashila Institution, India
  • June PARK, Visiting Fellow (Political Economist), Governance and Development Program, Middle East Council on Global Affairs

12:00–14:00: Break

14:00–15:30 (UTC+9) Panel 2: Supply Chain Resilience and the Military: Risks and Opportunities in the Indo-Pacific
Scope: Diversification and "friend-shoring" are key policy tools when it comes to boosting supply chain resilience for critical raw materials and strategic industries. For France, Europe and Japan, to what extent is this already happening? This will be the starting point of this panel, which will explore a currently under-examined area of economic security agendas: the role of the military, both as a customer of the arms industry with specific supply chain considerations, and as an organization that can enhance supply chain security, through technology alliances, joint production, or by setting standards.

  • Mathieu DUCHÂTEL, Director of International Studies, Institut Montaigne, France (Chair)
  • Seungjoo LEE, Professor, Chung-Ang University / Chair of the Trade, Technology, and Transformation Research Center, East Asia Institute, Republic of Korea
  • Hirohito OGI, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geoeconomics, Japan
  • Kristy HSU, Director, Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taiwan
  • FabienGIORDANO, Chief Executive Officier – North Asia, Bolloré Logistics

16:00–17:30 (UTC+9) Panel 3: Critical Infrastructure Across the Indo-Pacific
Scope: Critical infrastructure is part of European and Japanese visions of economic security, with a focus on protecting one’s cyber and physical infrastructure from excessive foreign leverage or other vulnerabilities. In the Indo-Pacific, Europe and Japan are partners for all states seeking to develop their own critical infrastructure, from digital to transportation. What has been achieved so far and are the EU and Japan achieving sufficiently? This panel will look at several sectors and cases: submarine cables, 5G, climate and energy.

  • Satoshi YAMADA, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geoeconomics, Japan, (Chair)
  • Shinya SHIMADA, Deputy Director-General for International Digital Infrastructure Promotion, Global Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan
  • Alexandre DAYANT, Deputy Director, Indo-Pacific Development Centre, Lowy Institute, Australia
  • Ernesto BRAAM, Member of the Board of Directors, Alternate Executive Director, Asian Development Bank
  • Joseph DELLATTE, Resident Research Fellow, Climate, Energy, Environment, Asia Program, Institut Montaigne, France

17:30–17:45 (UTC+9) Concluding remarks: The Role Of Armed Forces

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