HomeInstitut Montaigne features a platform of Expressions dedicated to debate and current affairs. The platform provides a space for decryption and dialogue to encourage discussion and the emergence of new voices.17/01/2023When Will Europe Wake Up?PrintShareChina has largely developed its ICT, a source of concern for many in the West. French and Europeans often lag behind others in this sector. Why? This series tackles this question. It includes analyses by Gilles Babinet and Oliver Coste. Both experts examine the European gap in the tech industry and put forward measures that can be adopted to ensure the EU regains competitiveness in this crucial field. Europe has major assets — catching up with this technology gap is possible and will prove less difficult than what prevailing pessimism could suggest if the right issues are addressed.01/20/2023Digital Technologies: Inadequacy of the Higher Education and Innovation Eco... Gilles Babinet Olivier Coste 01/05/2023Europe's Risky Specialization Away from Digital Technologies Gilles Babinet Olivier Coste 12/05/2022Digital Tech: Europe's Growing Gap in Eight Charts Gilles Babinet Olivier Coste