HomeInstitut Montaigne features a platform of Expressions dedicated to debate and current affairs. The platform provides a space for decryption and dialogue to encourage discussion and the emergence of new voices.18/12/2018Neo-Authoritarians International affairsPrintShareThis portrait gallery draws the profiles of some of the "neo-authoritarians", dictators and other autocrats, who govern large parts of the world today.07/17/2018Portrait de Vladimir Poutine - Président de la Fédération de Russie Quentin Peel 07/19/2018Portrait de Viktor Orban - Premier ministre de Hongrie Jacques Rupnik 07/24/2018Portrait de Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Président de la République de Turquie François Livet 07/26/2018Portraits de Mohamed ben Salmane (MBS) et Mohamed ben Zayez (MBZ) - Prince ... Ahmed Fathi 07/31/2018Portrait de Abdelfattah Sissi - Président de la République arabe d'Egypte Jean-Pierre Filiu 08/02/2018Portrait de Bachar el-Assad - Président de la République arabe syrienne Michel Duclos 08/07/2018Portrait de Narendra Modi - Premier ministre de l’Inde Christophe Jaffrelot 08/09/2018Portrait de Xi Jinping - Président de la République populaire de Chine François Godement 08/14/2018Portrait de Donald Trump - Président des Etats-Unis Alexis Clérel 12/21/2018Portrait of Matteo Salvini - Italian Minister of the Interior Marc Lazar 12/21/2018Portrait of Jarosław Kaczyński - Former Polish Prime Minister of Poland, Ch... Aleksander Smolar 12/21/2018Portrait of Rodrigo Duterte - President of the Philippines François-Xavier Bonnet 12/21/2018Portrait of Kim Jong-un - Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republi... Bruno Tertrais 12/21/2018Portrait of Benjamin Netanyahu - Prime minister of Israel Anshel Pfeffer 12/21/2018Portrait of Paul Kagame - President of the Republic of Rwanda Gérard Prunier 12/21/2018Portrait of Nicolás Maduro - President of Venezuela Olivier Dabène 12/21/2018Portrait of Jair Bolsonaro - President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Frédéric Louault 12/21/2018What to Do About Neo-Authoritarians? Ingredients for a Political Response Michel Duclos