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Macron’s Foreign Policy: An Insider’s Look

Macron’s Foreign Policy: An Insider’s Look

The AUKUS crisis, arguably the most difficult episode for French foreign policy in recent years, has shed light on France’s isolation on the international stage. Taken aback by the hasty American retreat from Afghanistan, engaged in an endless war in the Sahel, and suffering from President Macron's setbacks in the management of various crises, France's strategic positioning is at risk. Is France still able to defend its interests? What would it take to restore French leadership on the international stage?

Having closely observed French diplomacy, Michel Duclos, our Special Advisor on geopolitics, has recently authored a book on France's foreign policy: La France dans le bouleversement du monde (France in the midst of global upheaval), l’Observatoire edition. He dives into these questions with Sophie Pedder, Paris bureau chief for The Economist, in this week’s podcast episode. The two take stock of Macron’s foreign policy and offer their perspectives on French commitment to European unity and the transatlantic relationship. 

Listen to their discussion here: 


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