HomeAuthorsViviana Zhu Viviana Zhu China analyst, former Research Fellow, Institut Montaigne’s Asia Program Follow Viviana Zhu was Research Fellow at Institut Montaigne until January 2023. She contributes to the Program’s research work and closely follows EU-China relations and China’s economic and technological developments. She joined the Institute in January 2019 as Policy Officer for the Asia Program. Prior to that, as Coordinator of the Asia Program of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Viviana was responsible for event coordination, reporting, and research support.She holds a Master’s degree in International Politics and a Bachelor’s degree in Politics and Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, where her primary focus was China and international politics. She is fluent in Chinese, English and Italian.Viviana Zhu recently authored China’s FinTech: the End of the Wild West, a policy paper published by Institut Montaigne in April 2021, and co-authored Fighting COVID-19: East Asian Responses to the Pandemic (May 2020, with Mathieu Duchâtel and François Godement).PublicationsPolicy PaperApril 2023Cross-border Data Flows: the Choices for EuropeCross-border data flows govern almost everything we do today. States are facing a dilemma between protection of their data and benefits from free-flow. Europe faces a challenge from the US, the dominating actor in the digital world, and a threat from China’s authoritarian model. Europe must make choices to strengthen its position in the digital field.October 2022China Trends #14 - Figures of Speech in China’s Foreign PolicyChina Trends #14 by Institut Montaigne.June 2022China Trends #13 - China Weighs Japan’s Blowback Against Its Own ActionsChina Trends #13 by Institut Montaigne.March 2022China Trends #12 - Ukraine: China’s "Rock-Solid" Pro-Russia Narrative China Trends #12 by Institut Montaigne.December 2021China Trends #11 - China’s Selective Opening Up: the Case of Foreign Direct InvestmentChina Trends #11 by Institut MontaignePolicy PaperNovember 2021China Trends #10 - How AI Will Transform ChinaChina Trends #10 by Institut MontaigneNoteJuly 2021China Trends #9 - Questioning China’s Emission PledgesChina Trends #9 by Institut MontaigneNoteApril 2021China’s FinTech: the End of the Wild WestFinTech is at a turning point in Chinaas the Chinese government is seeking to strike a new balance between FinTech innovation and regulation.NoteFebruary 2021China Trends #8 - Military Options for Xi’s Strategic AmbitionsChina Trends #8 by Institut MontaigneNoteOctober 2020China Trends #7 - The Shrinking Margins for DebateChina Trends #7 by Institut MontaigneNoteApril 2020Fighting Covid-19: East Asian Responses to the PandemicWhat are the lessons from East Asian countries on their management of the Covid-19 crisis?EtudeNovember 2019Digital Privacy: How Can We Win the Battle?Between privacy, efficiency and public interest, how do Europe, China and India reconcile priorities?12/19/2023China Trends #18 – Searching for Growth Engines Via Innovation François Godement Philippe Aguignier Pierre Pinhas Viviana Zhu 12/16/2020China: One Year of Covid-19 Viviana Zhu 12/02/2020 China’s Mercantilist Recovery After Covid-19 François Godement Viviana Zhu 08/07/2020 China Trends #6 - The Mirage of China's Wolf Warrior Diplomacy Viviana Zhu 06/03/2020 China Trends #5 - EU-China: A Fairly Smooth Road Ahead Viviana Zhu 04/07/2020 Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic, East Asian Responses - Hong Kong: Border... Viviana Zhu 03/30/2020 Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic, East Asian Responses - China: Lockdowns,... François Godement Viviana Zhu 11/29/2019 China’s Digital Currency: Kicking off a Horse Race Eric Chaney Viviana Zhu 12/20/2019China Trends #4 - China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: More Than Just a Piece of Pape... Viviana Zhu 10/10/2019China Trends #3 – China-Russia Energy Cooperation: Hot or Cold? Viviana Zhu 06/27/2019 China Trends #2 – Large but Not Strong: The Challenges for China’s Domestic... Viviana Zhu 03/15/2019 China Trends #1 - China and WTO Reform: Minimal Changes Only, Please Viviana Zhu 02/11/2019 Europe-China rail competition – "Bigger is better"? Viviana Zhu