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Louise Frion

Projet Manager - New Technology

Resident Fellow

Louise Frion is Projet Manager - New Technology at Institut Montaigne since February 2024. Louise co-wrote the report Blockchain: consolidating our strengths and the action note Mobilizing and training digital talents published in 2023. Louise previously worked in investment banking at Lazard London in 2017, at the French Treasury in 2018, in the office of the Secretary of State for Digital in 2020 and at Capgemini Invent as a public sector consultant. She also founded Medici&Cie, a consulting and training firm focused on digital strategy for businesses and public administrations.

Louise teaches emerging technologies and their industrial applications in the MBA/EMBA program at HEC Paris. She is a graduate of the Grande École program at EMLyon and holds a Master II in Public Affairs from the École Normale Supérieure and Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

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