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Laure Millet

Fellow - Healthcare

Senior Fellow

Laure Millet holds the Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowship and works at New York University's Langone Hospital. There, she studies the deployment of digital technology in healthcare pathways, and in particular remote patient monitoring systems. She is also attached to the Bipartisan Policy Center, an American think tank specializing in healthcare public policy.

Laure is a member of the Health Chair at Sciences Po Paris and worked at the Institut Montaigne between 2018 and 2023. She was in charge of the Healthcare Policy Program and then the Social Cohesion Department. She has written numerous articles and reports on the deployment of digital and AI in healthcare, the role of patients, access to innovative medicines, and prevention policies.

She is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and holds a degree in philosophy from the University of Paris Nanterre.

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