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René Ricol

President, Ricol Lasteyrie

René Ricol joined Institut Montaigne’s Board of Directors in 2015. He also serves as the Board’s Treasurer. 

René Ricol is the President and founding partner of Ricol Lasteyrie, where he is in charge of strategy consulting and crisis management. He has chaired France’s national institute of statutory auditors, the National Association of Chartered Accountants, the Association of Financial Consultants and Experts and the International Federation of Accountants. Ricol has held a number of positions of public responsibility, serving as President of the French Trade Credit Observatory, President of the Agency for Business Creation, chair of the advisory board of France Investissement, national Credit Mediator, then General Commissioner for Investment.

Ricol holds a master’s degree in Economy. He is a financial expert and consultant, a qualified accountant and auditor, and former court expert at the French Court of Cassation.

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